collecting bugs in the garden

collecting bugs in the gardenGetting your little ones outdoors is easy! Kids love being outdoors and running around whilst getting fresh air is a good thing.

However, have you ever considered using this outdoor time to explore the environment with your children?…

click here to buy Laugh and Learn Puppy

click here to buy Laugh and Learn PuppyWe all want the very best for our children and as  well as having lots of toys to play with, as  parents, we kind of really do like toys that have  some educational or learning aspect to them.

That’s why Fisher Price’s  Laugh & Learn Puppy has  been such a huge hit with parents for so many  years.  It’s not just a stuffed animal that does nothing.  In fact, is is the ideal preschool or toddler toy with a slight educational touch thrown in.…

image for Intelligent Toys for Age 4-5Parents love buying intelligent toys for age 4-5 year old  kids.

This is a good way of helping your child with his or her  preschool learning.
The last thing you want to do as parents is sit down with  your child and recite the whole of the alphabet or number  from 1 to 100.…

Everyday learning opportunities

Everyday learning opportunitiesYou can enrich your child’s language and vocabulary  for free and without buying extra books or electronic toys either.

All you need to do is talk to your child about the world around her. It sounds rather simplistic doesn’t it? But, it’s true.

In this day and age when we have become a little too dependant on the latest and newest handheld gaming device or educational learning system, we don’t really need them.…